Festival Fridays: How fans can help artists right now

We’re all experiencing this time of uncertainty and hardship together, and we’re particularly aware of the effects COVID-19 has had on artists and music industry professionals. Concerts we’ve been looking forward to have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely and the financial burden is hitting everyone, from musicians to producers to venue employees. We’ve seen an enormous amount of support and understanding within the music community, but many of us are wondering how to support our favorite artists.
Here are some ideas for fans that are seeking ways to help:
- Buy music and merch – If you bought a ticket to a performance that has since been cancelled, consider offering the amount that you would have paid to buy records or merchandise. Not only do you get to support the artist, but you also get to spin a new record or have a new shirt or coozie to add to your quarantine outfit rotation.

- Attend virtual performances – Stay connected with the artists that you love. We are in the midst of what some people say is a “music streaming renaissance,” with many artists taking requests live on the air as they play for virtual tips. Some artists are even doing tutorials on how they make music or sharing unprecedented looks into their creative processes.
- Keep listening – Musicians rely on touring for the majority of their income. Stream and buy their music and play it often; every stream or song purchased adds up!

- Share the music you love – The visibility helps artists a lot. Word of mouth goes a long way. From forwarding playlists to your friends to sharing that one meme of Bill Clinton with four records around him, now is the most important time ever to turn all your friends on to your favorite band.
- Donate – Many communities have set up fundraisers for this industry. If you can, throw a few extra bucks towards a venue or artist that had to cancel shows. Lots of our favorite musicians, bartenders, and producers are completely without their normal source of income right now.
Support the musicians who support you
For so many of us, music is what accompanies us on our commutes, provides soundtracks to our dance parties, and makes us feel understood. While musicians occupy a larger-than-life place in our hearts, they work incredibly hard to make a living and create the art that we treasure so much. Find your favorite artists on social media and keep an eye out—they’re more than likely playing live shows from their homes!