5 Stats That Show How Marketing Is Evolving

Raise your hand if you’ve heard that only about one-third of marketers have a documented content strategy, or that B2B brands that blog receive 67 percent more leads. Now, kindly put your hand down. You work in an open office and look mental.

On an average day you see hundreds of marketing stats that are all seemingly the same. We decided to try and share ones that are both relevant and eye-opening.

Below, you’ll find 5 statistics that highlight the complicated and ever-evolving world of marketing. Hint: they all involve content and digital.

  1. 56% of display ads are never seen by humans. (Google 2014)
  2. 45% of marketers still don’t formally evaluate their analytics for quality and accuracy or, even worse, don’t know if they do or not. (VentureBeat 2015)
  3. 74% of readers trust educational content from brands – as long as it doesn’t push a sale. (Kentico 2014)
  4. More than 92% of millennials regularly watch digital video. (eMarketer 2015)
  5. Content marketing will generate $300 billion by 2019. Yes, billion. (Marketing Mag 2015)

At the end of the day, this is just a list of numbers. Our theory is that you should take these statistics and consider them in terms of a much larger story, the story that is your marketing strategy. The marketing industry is rapidly changing, companies need to create a strategy that is measurable, curate content that is relevant and useful for their audiences because digital video is about to take over the game.

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