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Winnebago Award Graphic

Bound By The W

When Winnebago came to RVX in 2019, they wanted to highlight their new vehicles and bring to life the new tagline “Bound By The W” with the ultimate goal of catching the eye of RV enthusiasts at the show.

It was clear that the ‘W’ needed to be the focal point of the 25,000 sq. ft. space. The Pineapple Agency built the ‘W’ using a 70 ft long and 8 ft wide piece of vinyl hung from truss. We then outfitted the space with 23 Winnebago vehicles, a red carpet, custom signage, and a fully functional gazebo lounge with Wifi to facilitate on site ordering.

Highlights of the activation included a Facebook live stream and a visit from Ellen Degeneres’ show correspondents.

Watch us build

square feet outfitted